
Kent ISD Launch U Students Reach Top 5 in NASA Competition, Send Signatures to Space

密歇根州大急流城. – Kent ISD Launch U and 大急流城 Community College students Abby Tichelaar and Cole Herring signed a NASA stowage locker now headed to the International Space Station. They were granted this honor after placing in the top five of high school students competing in the NASA HUNCH Competition in May.

Tichelaar, 来自罗克福德高中, 和鲱鱼, 来自洛厄尔高中, participated in Kent ISD’s Launch U program where they earned Associate Degrees along with their high school diplomas through a partnership with 大急流城 Community College. The pair studied biomedical engineering and used their learning in that area to design and create edible cargo transfer boxes for space travel. The project earned them a top five finish in NASA’s HUNCH competition held at the Johnson Space Center in Houston last month.

第二支队伍, Ottawa Area ISD Careerline Tech Center and GRCC Culinary students Katie Bird and Devon Vanderwall, were among the top ten finalists competing to present a recipe for space travel. Dr. 沃纳Absenger, the Secchia Institute for Culinary Education's program director at GRCC, served as coach for both teams. “Being selected as finalists by the NASA HUNCH program is a tremendous validation of their work's merit, during which they gained valuable insights, 跨学科研究, and collaboration skills across culinary, 环境, 航天工业,缺席格说. The four students - along other NASA HUNCH teams -- were asked to sign their names on a stowage locker that will be placed aboard the space station.

“This was a tremendous opportunity for our students and we are so proud of their accomplishment. Launch U provides an opportunity for students to achieve success at the college level while earning their associate degree with no college debt by the time they finish high school,罗恩·科勒说, uedbet官网民政事务处总监. “A record number of 44 students completed one of four Launch U pathways this year and we are excited to welcome more students into this program in the fall.”

Students interested in applying for Launch U should contact their high school guidance counselor prior to entering their sophomore year. Please direct media inquiries to Joy Walczak, Kent ISD Communications Specialist at joywalczak@redzphotography.com or 906.632.6290.